Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator

Fill in your birth date and get your IAA Personal Free Demo Chart calculated. With the Personal Free Demo Chart you can get an insight into your individual star/energy pattern. For a better understanding of the results of the IAA Personal Free Demo chart, we recommend the PDF Demo Chart Guide. Please note that the current date is always pre-set in the Chart Calculator. By using the present date and clicking "Get Chart" you can see the actual daily energy.

Dear IAA Enthusiasts,

before you look at the Free Inner Alchemy Astrology Personal Short Demo Chart below, here are a few notes:

As the calculations are based on solar time, please check your time of birth using this link to the Solar Time Calendar. In some cases, there may be a deviation from the two-hour period on which the calculation is based. Then select the time period, the day, the month and the year of your birth and click on calculate.

You will immediately receive an overview of your energy distribution at the time of birth. You will receive initial information about the energy of the day of birth and about the animals in the respective input columns. You can use the brochure to be purchased or the book "Wisdom from the Stars" to delve deeper into the meaning yourself.

If you would like to find out more about your life energies, you can order a comprehensive printout for a fee and also obtain qualified advice.
Have fun exploring your basic energetic pattern and its meaning!!!


Order Your 15-Page  IAA  Personal Full Chart Here

Order Your 15-Page IAA  Personal Full Chart Here

With the personal 15-page IAA Personal Full Chart you get a comprehensive 15-Page insigh into your individual star pattern. The IAA Personal Full Chart  reveals the your elemental strengths and weaknesses, providing a roadmap to balance and harmonize your life using Qi Gong and Nei Dan meditations. Understand your relationships, professional avenues, and underlying tendencies with unparalleled clarity.

Order Your IAA  Personal Full Chart 
Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet)

Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet)

The Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet) helps you to better understand the results of the Free IAA Personal Demo Chart. You will learn more about your personal  balance of the 5 elements. This enables you to work out how you can use the Inner Alchemy Practices for your individual balance. This Guide is vailable in German, English and French. To order the Inner Alchemy Astrology Calculator User Guide (PDF Booklet), please use the link provided below.

Order User Guide (PDF Booklet)